
Motéma Summer Newsletter is now available!

Motéma Summer Newsletter is now available!

This July Edition is packed with great news about these outstanding artists:

Jihye Lee 지혜리 – Jihye Lee Orchestra May 31 release is receiving raves around the world…

Stefon Harris – Watch Stefon Harris’ new “Inside Track” video series reveals inspirations behind his June 14 release, LIFE SIGNS.

Awa Sangho – Awa Sangho released the heartwarming video and single “Mama!” last May.

Shuteen Erdenebaatar – Shuteen Erdenebaatar Quartet also reports big news. Be sure to see her thrilling appearance jazzahead! 2024 now on YouTube.

Read up on all this and more at the link above and please consider sharing with any friends and fellow lovers of thrilling new jazz and world music.